1. Overview
  2. Getting Started
  3. Account Information

Account Information

Accessing Account Settings

To access your account settings, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your goPDF account.
  2. Navigate to the dashboard.
  3. Click on "My Account" in the menu.
  4. Select "Account Settings" from the dropdown options.

Account Settings Fields

Below are the fields you will find in the Account Settings section:

  • API Key: This is a unique identifier assigned to your account to enable API access. Keep it secure and do not share it publicly.

  • Name*: Your full name as registered on the platform. This field is mandatory.

  • Phone: Your contact phone number for any account verification or support purposes.

  • Email*: Your email address for login, notifications, and communication with goPDF. This field is mandatory.

  • Country: The country associated with your account, used for customization and legal purposes.

  • Address*: Your physical address for billing and contact. This field is mandatory.

Making Changes to Account Settings

To update any of the above information:

  1. Click on the respective field.
  2. Enter or edit your information.
  3. Select "Save Changes" to apply the updates to your account.

Upgrading Your Plan

To upgrade your current plan, review the available plans and their token allowances:

Personal: 500 Tokens/mo at $9/mo

Standard: 2,000 Tokens/mo at $25/mo

Business: 5,000 Tokens/mo at $49/mo

Enterprise: 20,000 Tokens/mo at $149/mo

To upgrade:

  1. Choose the preferred plan.
  2. Click on the corresponding option to proceed with the payment and upgrade process.

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